Dear Parish Family, Whether recently or in the past, we are all touched with grief that comes from losing a loved one, or a friend, there is emptiness in not having that closeness, and in some ways, creates a sense of abandonment. Tears are often thought of as prayers. They travel to God when we cannot speak. In your grief, did you ever wonder or imagine what Heaven will be like? It is said that it is full of beauty, peace and an incredible reunion with loved ones, the Saints and God. That in itself would be something to look forward to!
Grief hurts! It touches us in different ways and at differ times. Beautiful memories remind us of happy times shared - they can also be a healing tool, Helen Keller said "What we once enjoyed and deeply loved, we can never lose; for all that we loved deeply, becomes a part of us." A love like this can never be taken away. It is imbedded into the fiber of our souls. How and when will I ever stop grieving? Only God knows! One way to help this pain is "To look for new ways to be of service to God and neighbor: and remember our own parting will not be for long; we shall see each other again in heaven. (St Aloysius Gonzaga)
Many believe the red cardinal is a spiritual messenger from God. The cardinal is representative of departed loved ones attempting to contact us. They are a symbol of hope. The love of Christ Jesus symbolizes and combats difficulties in times of stress and despair to energize our trust and persistence. The cardinal is a symbol of a loved one watching over you. We are taught that it is a thin veil between life and death, and that life goes on in a new dimension. Death is not the end. We live on in the fullness of life. May our loving God bless and console you as your loved ones live on in heaven. Mary Jo