Dear Parish Family,
Here in the United States we set aside a special day to thank
God for our many blessings. Unfortunately, turkey, football
and shopping may be the essence of Thanksgiving for some.
The most powerful of all God’s gifts is the gift of His Son
Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself for the forgiveness of
our sins. The word Eucharist is derived from the Greek
word eucharisteo – meaning Thanksgiving.
The Jewish people offered particular blessings during a meal.
Think how many of these traditions have come full circle.
Our prayers of Thanksgiving may be experiencing a deep
sense of gratitude for blessings great and small. “Let us give
thanks to God for His indescribable gift.(2 Cor 9:15)’ “And now
we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.(Psalm 103)
Sing to the Lord with Thanksgiving, sing praises to our God.”
As we give thanks for our many blessings, let us pray for those
In need, we give thanks for our family and friends and for those
who are lonely, for our freedoms and those who are oppressed.
We give thanks for our good health and pray those who are ill. As
Blessed Solanus Casey prayed: “We thank God ahead of time.
We give thanks for our comfort and prosperity, as we share with
May the peace of God dwell within us.
Mary Jo