Dear Parish Family, Norman Rockwell had a unique way of presenting situations of life that spoke to many of us. The iconic picture titled “Freedom from Want” created in 1943, is an example of families enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner together. Many of us encounter this setting today and yet many of our brothers and sisters in need are challenged to experience this blessing. No matter what our circumstances, we can all be grateful for the many gifts God has shared with us. “The best way to show my gratitude to God, is to accept everything, even my problems, with joy” St. Theresa of Calcutta. This too can be a challenge, as our problems become overwhelming and we struggle to show God our gratitude. St. John Paul II reminds us to “Remember the pas with gratitude. Live the present with enthusiasm. Look forward to the future with confidence.” We are all on different journey’s in life, and must make every effort to be thankful for our blessing, large and small. Let’s remember on a daily basis, when we say grace before our meals, to thank God and ask that He provide for those who are in need of healing, strength and the ability to push through their struggles. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and thinking of how St. Gianna Molla says, “the secret to happiness is to life moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us everyday in His goodness." Blessings to all of you, Mary Jo