Dear Parish Family,
This weekend we return to our printed weekly bulletin. We ask that each family share. In the future we will print music in the bulletin to encourage everyone to sing. To continue with our safety procedures, we ask that each family, please take one copy of this bulletin with you and not leave it in the pew or return it to the table.
A couple of reminders to put into our memory bank or jot on the calendar.
Weekday Masses at 9:30 am and 7:00pm on Wednesday’s during Lent.
Stations of the Cross on Friday March 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th and April 1st and 8th are at 11:00 am. Good Friday Stations of the Cross will be at Noon, prior to the Good Friday Liturgy.
Through this pandemic we had a single candle, and now we are all eager to return to remembering our loved ones in a special way with our own candles. They will be for sale next week prior to each weekend Mass.
Are you willing to help with people being able to purchase candles before the 4:00pm and 8:30 & 11:00am Masses? This would necessitate coming one/half hour prior to Mass. Is so, please contact the Parish Office 586 759-3020.
Focus Hope is an organization founded in the late sixties by Fr. William Cunningham, Fr. Jerome Fraser and Eleanor Jositis. This institution is still in existence and offers many programs. We here at St Mark, have taken advantage of their food assistance program for seniors for many years. We have recipients from our parish and surrounding community. Do you know someone, perhaps a family member, neighbor or friend who could use a box of nutritious food on a monthly basis? We are here to provide it! Mother Theresa reminds us “Not all us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love”, and St Linus shared “always help someone, you might be the only one that does.”
How do I sign up? Call Gwen at the Parish Office. Who is eligible? You must be over 60 years of age, reside in Macomb County, and have a low income.
May the loving God bless us as we walk our Lenten Journey.
Mary Jo