Dear Parish Family, It’s here – summer! Time flies and for some of us faster than for others. Have you looked at the calendar and thought, what is on my Summer Bucket List and perhaps, I should get going? God wants us to live and breath and pray. How can I accomplish this with ease and get the most out of every day? I can begin and end each day with a prayer of gratefulness, ask for His mercy, and guidance in all of my thoughts and actions. Check – number 1 on my list! The endless number of items for this list may include something whimsical like building a sandcastle, reading a good book under the shade of the old apple tree, playing Huck Finn and going fishing, enjoying that summer concert in the park, visit a special garden or museum, or whatever is your favorite pastime. At times it is great to have solitude and be at peace with ourselves and God, and yet at other times being with others and sharing heightens our joy. St Teresa of Calcutta tells us “Joy is a net of love which we catch souls”. To do – make the list – begin! “The soul of the one who serves God always swims in joy and always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing.” (St John of the Cross) May God give you happy and safe adventures, wherever they make take you. Mary Jo