Dear Parish Family,
Now that the busyness of Christmas has passed, did you stop and think of special moments and touching times that were experienced? When my merry-go-round slowed, my treasured thought was “the greatest gift” is the love shared with my family, friends and you my parish family. There are times when joy is trumped by sadness and vice versus.
When news reached me on Christmas Eve, of the passing of the little six-year-old granddaughter of one of my dearest friends, it brought both incredible sorrow - and thankfulness knowing that God wanted this precious child to be at home with Jesus. Somehow this thought eased the pain. At three months old, Francesca contracted meningitis. She has been unable to see much of life, other than her hospital stays. Now she is free to dance and play like other children. We pray for the families of children like Francie as they live the challenges of illness on a daily basis. Ultimately, Jesus gave this little angel “the greatest gift “ as she no longer suffers and is wrapped in God’s arms. Our prayers now turn to healing the pain of this lovely family.
Sorting through the joys and hopes can be a challenge with families and strife. Love can conquer all as we throw out the wrappings and get to the heart of what matters. At this time let’s ask God to help us focus on the greatest gift of this season, and the whole year through. Thank you for your one and only Son, that we might be saved through him. Amen.
Mary Jo