In an effort to improve my vocabulary, I subscribe to Word Daily. As I read these words, some of which I am familiar, and some are from another planet, I think of their meaning and how it may impact my conversation or writing. I want to share Eudemonism. This is a basis for moral value or the likelihood that good actions will produce happiness. “Good works are not mere external deeds, but works of love says( James 2:17:18).”
Quaesitum is something that is sought after or required. What is it that we seek from our faith – truth, salvation, community and hope. Oeuvre is a work of art or literature. Often the bible comes to life through a beautiful painting by Leonardo de Vinci of the Last Supper or the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo and makes an indelible impression. What is the ultimate book -Enchiridion -aka The Bible! Does this not contain essential information coupled with the knowledge and certainty about what God has told us?
Felix Culpa is a situation where something unpleasant ends with happy consequences. The patron saint of a Happy Death is St Joseph. The Church encourages us to prepare ourselves for the hour of our death. We ask the Blessed Mother to intercede for us ‘at the hour of our death’ by saying the Hail Mary and entrust ourselves to St Joseph.