Forgiveness is not something that is easily accomplished by many of us. Fr Dennet had such an amazing way of sharing the word forgive. He said it really means “ give for another person.”
We make a conscious choice to forgive someone. Is this choice a bit self-serving? Yes indeed! Forgiving frees us from negativity. To forgive someone relieves the heaviness that is pervasive in our hearts and minds. As St Ambrose of Milan said “No one heals himself by wounding another. ” We probably will not forget the wrong, but forgiving helps us to move beyond the hurt and anger. Only God knows the deepest places of our being. He wants us to be whole and not have a heavy heart. One of the most difficult aspects of forgiveness is to forgive ourselves. This is an opportunity to look deep within and see the reasoning for which we want forgiveness. A quote from C S Lewis tells us “ Everyone says forgiving is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.”
Lent, is the perfect time to reflect on who and what we need to forgive. “He who knows how to forgive prepares himself many graces from God.“As often as I look upon the cross, of often I will forgive with all my heart.” (St Faustina)
As we ask for God’s mercy, it his revealed to us “Forgiving you is my gift to you.” “For if you forgive men and their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”(Mathew 6:14)
As we begin our Lenten journey, let’s ask for God’s mercy and forgive all those we have offended.