Dear Parish Family, From St Rose of Lima who is known as the Patron Saint of beauty, to Snoopy, who puts things so succinctly, we know deep in our hearts the beauty of the important things in life. The most beautiful things are those that mirror God’s own beauty and are seen as a reflection of how God draws us to him. True beauty is good and profoundly true. Beauty is in everything that God has created. People are an example of this. Think how unique each and every one of us are. I am fascinated with genetics. Did you ever look at your child or grandchildren and see traits from physical to emotional that are like other family members? We know from the Book of Genesis God created us in his image and likeness. (Gen 1:27) and “God looked at everything he made and found it very good.” (Genesis 1:31) I hope you will join me in capturing the precious moments of faith, feelings, smiles and laughter during this wonderful season. Mary Jo