As we move through Advent and address the everyday hustle and bustle of this holiday season, it may seem as if there is never enough time. Finding calm in everyday life - is that real or make believe? In the Church “calm” signifies a deep inner peace and serenity that comes from a strong faith in God. I like to feel my faith is on a pretty strong route, but of course, can always be improved. Now staying calm is a different sort of situation. In Philippians 4:6-7, St Paul said “have no anxiety at all, but in everything, through prayer with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” I am reasonably sure he has heard me ask for another hour or two.
Some tips I learned long ago to include to plan ahead, be realistic, take a break, share feelings, and then there is the most difficult one of “ just say no!” Don’t we all want to share the love with family and friends? Fr. Stanley often reminds us that it is “progress not perfection.” Isn’t what we should strive for? The wonderful thing about the Lord’s peace is that we can feel it in the middle of crazy times. We know God is with us and if we listen, we can experience His calming grace.
One of the most important things is to choose cheerfulness. It helps us and others. St Teresa of Calcutta said “if you ever feel distressed during your day – call upon our Lady and recite this simple prayer: Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.” Amen. According to Mother Teresa – It never failed her.