Dear Parish Family, As we celebrate Palm Sunday this coming weekend, we are reminded to welcome Jesus into our hearts and of our willingness to follow Him. “Hosanna—our Savior” was the cry of the people as He entered Jerusalem. This is an expression of praise and adoration. This victorious entry tells us that although Christ endured great suffering and sorrow, He was ultimately victorious over death and sin, bringing us the gift of salvation. Much as in the time of Jesus, we wave our blessed palms in church as a symbol of those who originally welcomed Him. Do I whole heartily welcome Jesus on a regular basis? We place these palms in our homes as a visual reminder throughout the year of Jesus triumph of peace and eternal life. As you enter the Church this weekend, you will receive a palm branch, which will be blessed at the beginning of Mass. In the past, one of our parishioners was particularly adept at creating beautiful palms which you may remember as part of our Palm Sunday display. They were a work of art! “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.” (Psalm 118) May our loving God bless our journey into the Holy Week and Easter. Mary Jo