Dear Parish Family, MEMORIAL MASS Many families joined us to honor their loved ones for the Memorial Mass this past weekend. This is a special time to remember those who have gone to their heavenly home. If you were unable to attend, and your loved one had a funeral here at St Mark this past year, please call the Parish Office and make arrangements to pick up their cross and candle. This Mass particularly speaks to us from Isaiah 40:1-11 – “comfort, comfort my people says your God.” We know from Romans 6:3-9 – if we have died with Christ, we believe we shall live with Him.” Many our St Mark Parish family are involved in helping to make grieving families feel welcome and loved. Our bereavement team begin with helping families plan for the funeral, gathering choices of readings, music selections, and biographies of the deceased. From Father Stanley sharing the Word and comforting thoughts about the deceased to the musician enhancing the liturgy with beautiful hymns, the liturgy begins. There are others who make the crosses for the Memorial Wall, letter the crosses, and throughout the year send booklets on grieving. This team is a dedicated group for which we are most grateful. SOCK IT TO US - COATS FOR KIDS Thank you to everyone for the generosity of giving to our Sock it to Us. Between St Mark and De La Salle, over a thousand pair of socks were donated. As Aggie Brewer who so generously coordinates our Christian service projects, mentioned this morning, we will have a warmth theme this year as we partner with Great Oaks Academy and their Coats for Kids. Our pastoral team prayerfully discerned that partnering with Great Oaks Academy was a way to evangelize with our neighbors. SCAM There is yet other scams going around asking for your personal information regarding a family member in trouble and in need of cash, gift cards or a transference of money. Please be aware of the many times a letter is sent, a phone call, or text is received which is fraudulent. MEIJER SIMPLY GIVE Meijer has extended their “double match days” to November 7th through November 25th. There is also a “double match” for December 11th. What a help this has been to our St Mark Food Pantry. We are able to supplement food items that are needed to balance out what you have shared with those who suffer from food insecurity. BLUE BOOKS FOR ADVENT Blue Books are now available for the Advent season. These are in the gathering space and are sold on the “honor system” for $1.00. OPLATKI - CHRISTMAS WAFERS We have oplatki packages available in the office for $3.00. There are three wafers to a package. FYI: there will be no sales or opportunity to purchase these after December 22nd. ORNAMENTS As you remember we had commemorative Christmas balls for the celebration of our 75th anniversary. There are a few left and are available for $8:00 in the parish office. CHALK OF THE DOORS Epiphany marks the occasion of a time-honored Christian of “chalking the doors.” The marking is simple: with the following above the entrance to your home 20 + C+M+B+22. The letters have two meanings, first they represent the initials of the Magi – Caspar, Malchior, and Balthazar – who came to visit Jesus in His first home. They also abbreviate the Latin phrase, Christus mansionem benedicat. “May Christ bless this house.” This is a request for Christ to bless those homes so marked and that He stay with those who dwell therein throughout the year. Chalk and prayers are available in the Parish Office for $2.00 until December 22nd. (If this seems early – it is, but the office will be closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s.) Perhaps you want to do one stop shopping for several items, before they are gone! CALENDARS Calendars for the year 2022 will be available on the 1st of December. Thanks to the continued generosity of E J. Mandzuik there is no cost for these beautiful calendars. ENVELOPES To all of the faithful who so generously donate to St Mark Parish, envelopes for the year 2022 will be in the Gathering Space for pick up beginning December 1st. LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH Can you believe Advent will be here in just a couple of weeks? Where has time gone? one last thing for now – if you and your family would like to be the designated family to light the Advent wreath, please call the office to schedule. Have a blessed day! Mary Jo