Dear Parish Family, This week’s This and That has lots of information. We hope you find this useful. CONFIRMATION Thank you to Amanda Brewer, our Director of Religious Education, for preparing six young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We congratulate Emma Chance, Brianna Dalkert, Alexander Edwards, Alexander Hicks, Ian Kienitz, and Gabriella Olkowski. RIGHT TO LIFE Thank you to Maureen and Anita Colo for providing carnations on Mother’s Day to support Right to Life. We have sent over $400.00 to help with this cause so near and dear to our hearts. UKRAINE For those of you who donated to the people of Ukraine, after considerable research, two checks were issued. One went for humanitarian use wired directly to Ukraine, and the other was donated to Immaculate Conception School. As you know, this school has been extremely generous to our food pantry these past few years. How wonderful, that we can give back to the children of Ukraine who are refugees here in Warren. POST OFFICE FOOD DRIVE Saturday, May 14th will be a food drive by the United States Post Office to help local food pantries. St. Mark has been designated as a recipient of this. They ask that you place nonperishable, not expired food in a bag near your mail box on Saturday. This is a universal food drive to help stamp out hunger. We are most appreciative to be earmarked for this donation. CSA CSA funds support a myriad of different programs and charities. Information regarding CSA was sent out by the Archdiocese this past week. As you know we are assigned a dollar amount required each year. This is something that is not negotiable and any short fall has to be paid by the parish. We know this is another sacrifice which you so generously donate to. Thank you very much! If you did not receive the information, please contact the parish office. ROSARY Thursday evenings at 6:30 in the Meditation Garden. Please bring your lawn chair. In the case of inclement weather, we will meet in the Church. GRADUATION FROM HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE We want to celebrate those in this year’s graduating class on Sunday, June 19th. If you have or will be graduating from high school or college, please call the office so we can share your exciting news. Fr. Stanley will give a special blessing to those who have graduated. Everyone have a very blessed day! Mary Jo