Dear Parish Family, St Adrian of Canterbury who was born around 630 A.D. in North Africa in an area that St Augustine came from. He later fled to Italy, where he deepened his faith, and became a scholar and was offered the position of Archbishop of Canterbury. He declined, however he later moved to England to share his faith. He accepted this great opportunity, because he was focused on becoming the best version of himself. He was attributed as being one of the most impactful teachers of the era. He is best known for his insight on “becoming more, not having more, and our life will have more meaning and divine purpose.” Becoming more is a virtue we aspire too. To become - is the process of change. In 1(Corinthians 11:1) we are told “be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” It is the Blessed Mother who is known as the Saint of new beginnings. Isn’t this a challenge we should all undertake? Lessons learned and successes achieved can bring us closer to being our true selves and meeting our potential. “This year I will become so many things to myself and others. I will grow into myself and push my boundaries farther than ever before and I will celebrate this new growth. I will remember that broken things can become blessed things if we let God do the mending.” (Author unknown) Mary Jo