Dear Parish Family, Recently Fr John Ricardo, U Of M coach -Jim Harbaugh, and NBA player- Tim McCormick gave a talk at The Shrine of The Little Flower on” Faith, Family and Sports.” When each gentleman was asked who had the greatest influence on the lives, each responded - “my dad!” They spoke of how as kids, they were required to attend Mass, religious formation, and participate in their respective parish activities. Faith was the foundation of their family. They stressed the role of fathers to provide, protect and be present in the lives of their children. We know each dad is unique, not perfect, but can emulate the ideal father – God the Father! The world has changed, however, the needs of every child have not changed. Fathers are challenged to be responsible, thoughtful, nurturing, affectionate, interactive, sharing and providing. One of their reoccurring themes was for ‘dad’s to be dad’s’ and not try to be the child’s friend. To have the courage to stand up for one’s convictions, and to encourage each child to pursue their own passion. Dad’s, stepfathers, grandfathers, God fathers, uncles or a mentor can all provide, protect, and be present in the lives of children and young adults. As we celebrate Father’s Day, I am grateful for the blessing of my hero – my loving daddy, who is in heaven, who taught me that I could do anything I wanted to do, always be a feminine lady, and drive like a man! Happy Father’s Day! Mary Jo