This week’s writing topic is courtesy of Deacon Brian and his wit, charm, great sense of communicating, and liturgical knowledge. He shared this phrase “A coincidence is a miracle where God decides to be anonymous.” How many times, do we experience these “miracles” or connections throughout our lives and exclaim to ourselves and others, “ it is a miracle!” This certainly got me to thinking about finding “the perfect solution” or perhaps meet someone who points us in the right direction. These miracles can be life changing.
This is the case of an elderly lady who had suffered a very severe stroke, could not speak for months, and then said in Polish, “dzien’ dobry”,( good morning) clearly when her therapist arrived. Isn’t that a miracle? We can’t expect a miracle every time we face a challenge, but God will provide for us. Think of the wonders of nature, beautiful music touching us, or the miracle of a baby being born, when there wasn’t much hope. How many times have we said, “by the grace of God?”
God gave St Paul the power to perform unusual miracles. Handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin, were placed on sick people and they were healed of disease and evil spirits were expelled.
As we give thanks and express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father, help us to know that God is behind each of these miracles.