MASS Mass is canceled for Wednesday, January 18th at 9:30. Please attendMass at one of our near by churches who are part of our Family ofParishes. This is effective only for this date.
SAFETY – LOCKED DOORS For the protection of the congregation and staff, all exterior doors are locked. Perhaps you wonder why one of our safety team leave the worship space after the second reading. This is to lock the frontdoors. The parish Office and Food Pantry doors are always locked. If you need to come to the office or pantry please call and we are happy to let you in.
CHALK This weekend as we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, chalk, incenseand an explanation of marking the doors is included for $2.00. It may bepurchased before each Mass.
GBM What a blessing! Many of you have generously contributed to GenerousBeyond Measure. Your contributions help us to make our annual budgetand provide for the well being of our parish. Thank you to everyone forsharing. There is time for those of you who have not contributed to stilldo so.
MASS INTENTIONS Your request for a Mass intention is a beautiful way to ask othersto pray for a loved one. Mass intentions can be for both the livingand deceased. As a convenience, you may call the parish office withyour requested date and Mass time.
POINSETTIAS Thanks to our in-residence gardener, Fr Stanley – our poinsettiasare still looking gorgeous. We will enjoy them on the altar forthe next couple of weeks and then invite you to take one home.