Are you learning from your life lessons or ignoring these messages that go on in our daily lives? One of the more difficult, but so important lessons is to embrace failures as a learning opportunity. There is the old adage “we learn from our mistakes, not from our successes.” St Theresa of Avila told us, “let not weakness make you discouraged.” Mistakes are part of our DNA and life process. Kindness and compassion need to be recognized and passed along to others. “Charity is the form, mover, mother and root of all virtues.” (St Thomas Aquinas)
We have all experienced people who believe “life is all about them!” There is a fine line between being confident and arrogant. No one wants to fall into the latter category. There is never shame in not knowing something. This too, teaches us to be humble, ask and learn. Most of life’s lessons are not heard through ears but felt with an open heart and mind.
Our Catholic teaching is strong in our lessons. We must “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” ”Forgive others as God forgives us.” “Live a life of service to others.” We know these principles which are deeply rooted in the Bible. As we grow, develop, and learn let’s remember the words of Maya Angelou “You will face many defeats in life but never let yourself be defeated and rise up.”
May our loving God continue to guide us on our journey of life lessons.