Dear Parish Family, For those of you who were at Mass this past weekend and received an inspirational stone, we hope you are using these as a tangible reminder to turn the seven capital sins into virtues. If you did not receive a stone, please contact the office, and we are happy to provide one. Stones are often thought of as a divine creation, which occur when meteors fall from the sky creating rocks that exist and endure. Stone formations often symbolize the passage from one life to another. In the Jewish tradition, stones and pebbles are placed on headstones. In (Peter 4-5) we are told of the strength and resiliency of a person. “As you come to him- the living stone – rejected by humans, but chosen by God and precious to him.” St Sebastian is known as the patron saint of stonemasons for his courage, dedication and strength. Four things to remember: The stone is gone after the throw. The word is gone after it is said. The occasion is gone after it is missed. The time is gone after it has passed. “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone. ( John 8:7) Mary Jo