THANK YOU We are sure that you enjoyed “A SAINT AND D HIS FIDDLE” last evening! How happy we were to see the great response from the people of St Mark, but also, for those who came from other parishes. We also want to thank Fr Dennet, Fr Michael, Brothers Michael & Mike for showing their support for this incredible musical. The film crew from Diakonia filming were amazing! Can’t wait to see the finished product which will be used to promote this musical throughout the area. To our good friend Mike for taking photographs, which we will share with all of you in the bulletin. REQUEST for SAFETY - SCAM It is very pervasive right now that people are targeting churches for money! If asked, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ANY MONEY TO ANYONE. We all want to help our brothers & sisters, but this is not the right channel to do so. Let me set the scenario for you: a woman came into church and says “she needs cash or a gas card because she ran out of gas in the parking lot.” Only for safety to look out the door and see the car running with a male driver. Word spreads quickly amongst this segment of our population who perpetrate scams. We also ask for your safety and that of others, please do not engage these people. We do not know what might occur. The proper response is “I am sorry – I am unable to help you -if you need food, please call the parish office.” GENEROUS BEYOND MEASURE Thank you to everyone who have already contributed to GBM. We greatly appreciate your donation. If you have not yet contributed, please help with this much needed assistance to our budget. Have a blessed day! Mary Jo